in memoriam Lilian Brzoska


Lilian is op 18 april 2024 overleden


News of Lilian’s passing came as an enormous shock to members of the Scottish Co-Counselling Community and to many, many others whose lives she touched. We are still coming to terms with it. She has been a mainstay of our community since the early days in the 1980s. She taught, organised residentials and trained new co-counsellors.

Lilian trained as a dancer and a actor at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts. She taught and performed professionally, but we will remember her for her poetry, her songs and her story telling at numerous CCI events both at home in her beloved Scotland and internationally. Words and music flowed from her as she drummed and danced in the moment.

She was spontaneous and creative and challenging. Her workshops were often grounded in the creative arts and in her understanding of spirit. Her belief that death is not the end meant that she had a keen sense of the “other” world beyond the veil. For her, everyone and everything are connected.

As a teacher she understood Co-Counselling and delivered clear, deep trainings always drawing in others to assist.
Lilian is survived by her daughter Anna, of whom she was immensely proud, and by her siblings.
Above all, for me, Lilian is a soul friend whom I loved dearly and who’s absence leaves an enormous hole. We worked together in recent years. An Arts workshop on the Isle of Bute and the European CCI at Gartmore House in 2018 stand out.
In recent year her mobility became impaired. However, she embraced technology by participating in virtual workshops and support groups across the globe.
Now she is free. Free to dance amongst the stones and sing by the waters. Soar high my dear friend, we miss you and celebrate your presence in our lives.


Geoff Rowe


p.s verdere details volgen nog. Voor inlichtingen wend je naar Marjan Tuk

| 28-04-2024 | Posted in Personalia |